FAUW Nominations and Election Committee needs YOU!

By Patrick Lam and David Porreca

A quick blog post this time to put on everyone’s radar the need to populate FAUW’s Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC). This is the committee responsible for finding good people to fill all the faculty representative positions on the University-operated committees where we (as faculty) need a voice, which is a key part of collegial governance at the University. We currently need AT LEAST ONE additional person to bring this Committee back to full capacity.

In addition, the NEC solicits nominations for FAUW’s own internal governance positions, such as the President and the elected members of the FAUW Board of Directors. There will be three vacancies on the FAUW Board as of 1 July 2023.

Please email patrick.lam@uwaterloo.ca by June 16th if you, or someone you know, would like to serve on this committee!

Inaugural Blog Post… + Samosas!-David Porreca, FAUW President (Department of Classical Studies)

First: A hearty (and heart-felt) thank-you to Mary Hardy for shepherding FAUW through the difficult past few months, stepping into the breach and supporting the association when the help was sorely needed.

Second: Another note of thanks for the support the membership has shown in entrusting me with the FAUW presidency in these fraught times. I intend to do my level best to honour that trust.

But how?

My focus is on FAUW’s core duties: defending and enhancing the term and conditions of employment of faculty members at the University of Waterloo (that’s YOU). My first task is to assist in the formation of a strong negotiating team for the upcoming round of negotiations toward a salary settlement that should take effect on 1 May 2024. Stay tuned for announcements on that front.

FAUW’s core duties also include the defence of the following three basic principles—a well-balanced tripod, so to speak: collegial governance, academic freedom, and equity. Over-emphasizing any one of them at the expense of the others leads to an imbalance that risks toppling the whole.

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